Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pictures & The Things I Do With A Camera

Sometimes, I'm actually using my camera for shots like those below too.
Never really showed them to someone though because I rarely ever felt like uploading them. Few of them have been used as headers for my social media accounts before or I posted them on tumblr when I still used it but most of them have already been deleted again.

And yeah, since I'm using Instagram more frequently at the moment I'll upload them there from now on.
It's not like I think they are totally great. However, I have fun taking photos like those from time to time. Unfortunately, I'm not always in the right mood to do it, so I barely ever have good ideas, haha.
But wherever I'll go in the future I'll keep my eyes open and if there is a good opportunity to take a picture of something cool, I'll do it!

If (for some reason) you should want to use one of the photos, please ask me first.
You can find all of them on my instagram, so check it out please! I'll upload more there in the future too, so stay tuned!


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